Integrated Cooperative Development Project
The Scheme of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (I.C.D.P.) was introduced for development of district through Cooperative efforts in the area of agriculture and allied sectors like Fishery, Poultry, Handloom, Rural Industries, Livestock, Consumers etc. The Concept of Integrated Cooperative Development Project envisage selection of an area on district, formulation of activities and Programme in an Integrated manner based on the resources of the area and the needs of the people and development of those activities through Cooperatives.
Adopting an area based project approach National Cooperative Development Corporation, New Delhi launched a Scheme under Central Sector for I.C.D.P. in West Garo Hills and Jaintia Hills District during 1999 – 2000, in East Garo Hills and West Khasi Hills District during 2001-2002, and in South Garo Hills and part of Ri-Bhoi /East Khasi Hills District during 2004-2005.
Project Cost
The Block cost and pattern of Funding by the N.C.D.C. for the above 4 (four) named Districts may be mentioned as follows: (Amount Rupees in Lakhs)
Serial Number | Name of the District | Year of Sanctioned | Block cost | Pattern of Funding | |
Loan | Subsidy | ||||
1. | West Garo Hills | 1999-2000 | Rs. 703.03 | Rs. 504.79 | Rs. 198.24 |
2. | Jaintia Hills | 1999-2000 | Rs. 361.54 | Rs. 278.30 | Rs. 83.24 |
3. | East Garo Hills | 2001-2002 | Rs. 370.23 | Rs. 267.76 | Rs. 102.47 |
4. | West Khasi Hills | 2001-2002 | Rs. 304.38 | Rs. 220.50 | Rs. 83.88 |
5. | South Garo Hills | 2004-2005 | Rs. 325.24 | Rs. 252.14 | Rs. 73.10 |
6. | Ri-Bhoi/ East Khasi Hills | 2004-2005 | Rs. 288.93 | Rs. 308.67 | Rs. 80.26 |
For release of Funds year wise, the N.C.D.C. would make after the state Government has sanctioned and disbursed the Financial Assistance to the Project Implementation Agency.
Such release will also be based on the Progress of expenditure incurred under each sub-component of the Project.
The Current rate of Interest payable by the State Government to the N.C.D.C. is at 12.5%.
The Project periods of the above named Projects may be indicated as follows:
Name of the Project | Project period | Closing of the Project |
I.C.D.P. West Garo Hills | 5 Years | 1999-2000 to 2004-2005 |
I.C.D.P. Jaintia Hills | 4 Years | 1999-2000 to 2003-2004 |
I.C.D.P. East Garo Hills | 4 Years | 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 |
I.C.D.P. West Khasi Hills | 4 Years | 2001-2002 to 2005-2006 |
I.C.D.P South Garo Hills | 4 Years | 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 |
I.C.D.P. Ri-Bhoi/E. Khasi Hills | 4 Years | 2004-2005 to 2008-2009 |
As per the term and conditions of the N.C.D.C’s sanctioning letters following are the issues to be taken up before implementing of the scheme.
- Constitution of a state Level Co-ordination Committee under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner and Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Cooperation Department.
- Constitution of a District Level Co-ordination Committee under the Chairmanship of the Deputy commissioner of the concerned District.
- Appointment of a Project Implementation Agency, i.e. Meghalaya Cooperative Apex Bank Limited, Shillong.
- Appointment of a Project Implementation Team at the District Level concerned headed by a General Manager/ Manager either by deputation from Government/Bank.
- Setting up of a Central Monitoring Cell at the Office of the Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Meghalaya, Shillong.
Pattern Funding :
The National Cooperative Development Corporation sanctioned to the State Government in the form of Loan component and Subsidy component which comprises 28% to 30% as Subsidy of the total block cost and the rest 72% as Loan.
- The State Government in return provides 50% Share Capital contribution to the beneficiaries Cooperative Societies and the remaining 50% as Loan. No Subsidy Component has been provided to the Cooperative Societies.
- The Subsidy Component has been provided by the National Cooperative Development Corporation for the Project Implementation Team of the Project which includes the following items:-
- Manpower Development and Training for beneficiaries.
- Incentives to Apex/ Primary Cooperative Societies.
- Management Cost of the Project Implementation Team
- The State Government will accord sanction and release of Funds as per Year-Wise Pattern of funding by the National Cooperative Development Corporation and the same will be reimbursed by the National Cooperative Development Corporation.
Impact of the Scheme:
From the above 5(five) Projects only the 3(three) Integrated Cooperative development projects. Mentioned above is under implementation i.e. East Garo Hills District, South Garo Hills District and Part of Ri-Bhoi District/East Khasi Hills District. The impact of the Scheme under implementation may be indicated District Wise as follows :-
(A) East Hills District
The Integrated Cooperative Development Project East Garo Hills District through the project implementation Team duly appointed by the Project Implementation Agency (i.e. Meghalaya Cooperative Apex Bank Limited, Shillong) implements the Scheme under different sector as per the year wise pattern of funding by the N.C.D.C.. The impact of the Scheme may be mentioned as follows ;-
- 14 (fourteen) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Service Cooperative have been provided with Office-Cum-Godown, furniture and Fixtures, Cash Counters and safes.
- 14 (fourteen) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been provided with Power-Tillers.
- 17 (seventeen) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been provided with margin money for raising Working Capital loans.
The above activities taken up by the Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have greatly help the members of the Cooperative Societies in different folds when such type of activities does not exist prior to the Implementation of Integrated Cooperative Development project.
Under the allied Sector nearly 6(six) to 8(eight) Cooperative Societies have taken up the relevant activities by which the Project has provided Construction of Workshed for Handloom Cooperatives, Construction and repairs of Ponds, providing necessary implements and equipments etc.,
Overall and above, the project also provides Margin money in the shape of Share Capital Contribution by which the Cooperative Societies can link the margin money with the loans component to increase the working capital according to its viability.
(B) South Garo Hils District
- 5 (five) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/ Service Cooperative Societies have been provided with Office-Cum-Godown.
- 5 (five) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/ Service Cooperative Societies have been provided with Furnitures and Fixtures to enable them to start an office.
- 5 (five) Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative/ Service Cooperative Societies have been provided with Margin Money.
Under the allied activities, Handloom, Dairy Farming, Spice Processing, Fishery and distribution of Consumer Articles have been taken up by the relevant Cooperative Societies.
Overall and above, Margin Money in the Shape of Share Capital contribution have been provided to enable the Cooperative Societies to link with the Loan Component to increase the Working capital according to its viability.
Nonetheless, the implementation of the different sectors under the scheme has reached upto 55% within the 3rd year of the implementation and the whole District under the Cooperative Sector has turned up a new shape only after the Cooperative Societies have been identified under the scheme.
(C) Ri-Bhoi/ Part Of East Khasi
- 2 (two) Primary Agricultural Credit Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been identified and sanctioned for construction of Office Cum-Godown and repairs of Godown.
- 4 (four) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been identified and sanctioned for implementation of Furniture and Fixtures.
- 2 (two) Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been identified and sanctioned for purchase of Pump sets and Sprayers.
- 4 (four) Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Societies/Service Cooperative Societies have been identified and sanctioned for Cash Counter and safe.
Over and above, 5 (five) Cooperative Societies have been identified and sanctioned for Share Capital Contribution in the shape of Margin Money to enable the Cooperative Societies to link with the Loan Component.
In respect of the other allied sectors as per the pattern of funding identification of Cooperative Societies have been taken up and sanctioned yet to be accorded by the P.I.A. (Meghalaya Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd) as follows:
1. Fishery Sector : 4 (four) Cooperative Societies for pond Development Office-Cum-Shed, appliance and Net and Margin Money.
2. Handloom Sector : 3 (three) Cooperative Societies for Workshed, 30 (thirty) Numbers of Loom and Margin Money.
3. Rural Industry : 1 (one) Cooperative Society for Cane and Bamboo-Shed and Margin Money.
4. Women Cooperatives : 1 (one) Cooperative Society for Equipment and Margin money for Tailoring Unit.
5. Processing Unit : 2 Cooperative Societies for Processing Unit.
6. Poultry Sector : 2 Cooperative Societies for Shed and Margin Money.
7. Piggery Sector : 5 Cooperative Societies for Shed and Margin Money.
8. Dairy Sector : 2 Cooperative Societies for Collection centre, Milk Van and Margin Money.
The Integrated Cooperative Development Project East Garo Hills will be closed on 31st march 2009 after 2 (two) tears extension of validity period.
The other projects i.e. Integrated Coop. Development Project South Garo Hills and the Integrated Coop. Development Project, Ri-Bhoi District/Part of East Khasi Hills District although the N.C.D.C. has accorded sanctioned on 2004-2005 but the actual implementation of the Project was only during 2005-2006 and had already lapsed for 1(one) year. Both the Projects is to be completed within 31st March 2009 but another 1 (one) year as per N.C.D.C’s pattern of finding is yet to be released by the State Government to the PIA and necessary extension of the validity period has to be obtained by the P.I.A..
- Information Regarding Integrated Cooperative Development Project In Meghalaya
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- Position of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (I.C.D.P.) in Meghalaya as on 31-05-2008
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- Position of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (I.C.D.P.) in Meghalaya as on 31-12-2006
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- Position of Integrated Cooperative Development Project (I.C.D.P.) in Meghalaya as on 31-03-2005
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